What Foods Are Alkaline?

Photo by Suat Eman

Like I mentioned in my previous post What Is pH Balance determining which foods are alkaline forming can be  a little tricky because some foods are acidic outside of our body but when we consume them, they are alkaline forming inside our body.

We can’t just assume that an acidic food will make our body more acidic or an alkaline food will make our body more alkaline.

So how do we know what does what?

The general rule of thumb is that most Fruits and Vegetables are alkaline forming and almost everything else is acid forming.

After researching a bunch of websites and books, I’ve put together the following list of  the top 10 Most Alkaline Forming Vegetables and Fruits.

Top 10 Most Alkaline Forming Vegetables


2. Mustard Greens

3. Collard Greens

4. Chard Greens

5. Parsley

6. Asparagus

7. Celery

8. Sweet Potatoes

9. Yams

10. Onions


Top 10 Most Alkaline Fruits

1. Watermellon

2. Blackberries

3. Rasperries

4. Strawberries

5. Lemons

6. Limes

7. Mandarin Oranges

8. Tangerines

9. Cantaloupe

10. Pineapples

If you’re looking at this list wondering how you are going to get more of these foods into your diet, don’t worry.

It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time and yes, it can actually taste good…even the green foods.

So stay tuned, next Monday I’ll show you the 2 Quick And Easy Things I Make Every Day To Alkalize My Body.

3 thoughts on “What Foods Are Alkaline?”

  1. Thanks for the list Tim.

    I am already eating two fruits a day but I eat very often the same ones : appel, kiwi, banana, peach,…thanks to your list I’ll add more diversification in my diet.

    Keep your good job !


  2. Thanks Alex! Since each type of fruit and vegetable varies in it’s nutrient profile, it’s a great idea to change things up once in a while to make sure you are benefiting from all of them. More on that to come in future posts!

  3. Pingback: 2 Diet Hacks I Use To Alkalize Every Day | Renegade Dad

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