
Hi Tim,

When I first found your website I had just returned from a Dr. Appointment. Once they weighed me…..I almost had a heart attack. My weight was 228lbs (which the nurse deducted 4 lbs due to my cloths to be nice….she must of thought I had a lead vest on :)).

This is the most I have ever weighed. After reading your articles, watching a few videos and taking on some of of your suggestions……I’m currently down to 210. This is over 2 months.

So, just wanted to say thanks for making the website, your suggestions and emails. I told some of my buddies about your site so you might see some more requests come in from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Thanks again,



Thanks again for the advice! Since eliminating bread and high fructose corn syrup as you suggest, I easily dropped the 8 lbs I had put on over the holidays! So your tips definitely work!”
Bill Quirk

Hey Tim,

With a two year old and a new business demanding my attention, it’s been hard to make staying healthy a priority. But, a while back I found suggestions on Renegade Dad that helped me get the momentum I needed to get started. The protein shake recipes and whey protein suggestions made the notion of changing my eating habits more fun, especially with the pumpkin pie whey protein shake. Eating just one of these shakes a day gave me the energy I needed for my two year old daughter and helped me lose 22 pounds in about 7 weeks. This sure beats spending a half hour making a so called slow-carb omelet and bean meal at 5 in the morning!
Matthew Campbell

Hi Tim,
I am about 12 days into this food plan I made based around your first three tips and I feel AMAZING!
I have so much more energy and alertness. I wake up so much better and I wake up hungry! When I started this, I was 103kgs a month ago and now I am 96kgs! I have a decent way to go but I am already loving this new nutrition. I can really feel my stomach working hard and my metabolism feels as if it’s going a lot faster. The weird thing is that I am eating way more food now than I used to!


Hi Tim,

I know you most likely don’t remember me, but a while back we talked via email (from renegade dad) and you encouraged me to loose weight and gave me some tips. I’m happy to say I have lost just over 40 pounds since then and have 30 more to go to hit my ideal weight. I feel great and so I wanted to thank you very much for that.
James Timberlake

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